Access Information

If you are a registered agency working with MDDNR:

  • You will be provided with login and password information by MDDNR
  • You will be responsible for distributing this information to the field officers working with your agency to update data

If you are a field officer affiliated with a registered agency:

  • Contact your agency for login and password information
  • You must ensure that you will only be adding information and images that are relevant to restoration

Restoration Project Categories (in order of status flow):

  1. Potential Opportunity – All data will appear as a Potential Opportunity once it have been submitted on the mobile application. Users can log in with their respective user name and password and review/edit any of the information online. Once it is submitted online, it will then move to Concept Review
  2. Concept Review – This stage moves the submitted data to the administrative control panel. The site administrator(s) will review the data and can mark it as Pending, Disapproved, or Design Stage. If the data is marked as Pending the administrator can come back and review the data at a later date. If the data is marked as Disapproved, it will no longer be available for edits or use. If the administrator marks the information as Design Stage, the data will move to the next stage in the review process. All information marked as Concept Review cannot be edited by the project partners. Pending and Disapproved points can only be seen by the site administrator.
  3. Design Stage – Once the data has been assigned to the Design Stage, it can be reviewed by the site administrator and then assigned to the Permitting Stage, Under Construction, or Complete. The administrator can always revert data to the previous stage
  4. Permitting, Under Construction and Complete Stages – The site administrator will assign data to these stages. Once data is in the final stage of review, it will be assigned to the Complete stage
  5. Complete – Once the project status is assigned to the Complete stage, the site administrator can add the following variables: Area Treated, Total N Reduction, Total P Reduction, Total TSS Reduction, Photos, and Notes
All data added that is not marked Pending or Disapproved can be viewed on the interactive map on the MDDNR Mobile Restoration website.
Users can query the data points by name, type or category